Editor's note

Gotlob Tjirera
Greetings to the Wennie du Plessis community. The theme of this editor's note was chosen based on the prize-giving ceremony, which took place at our school on 8 March.
Excellence is a topic that has often been misunderstood. “Excellence is not a skill, but an attitude" is a quote most often attributed to Ralph Marston. To break it down, most people love the idea of being great, getting the best achievements, being known for their hard work - these are all great things. What they don't consider is what greatness has in store for them: Consistency. Consistency means dedicating yourself to a task, activity or goal every single day. In addition, it also means staying disciplined and engaged even when you don't feel like it.
Despite good intentions, this great requirement of excellence isn't met by most, due to lack of discipline, clear mindsets or perhaps their purpose is just not strong enough. But consistency is how people with winning attitudes and mindsets succeed everyday. I, therefore, urge all my fellow learners to do the same.

Love and light always!

Gotlob Tjirera