Embracing the freedom of our motherland

Linekela Mathias
Namibia celebrated its 34th independence on 21 March, and the learners of Dr Lemmer High School took the opportunity to show off their immense love for their country.
“A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the souls of its people.” This was later proven by the learners. They showcased their talents with performances about the love between different ethnic groups residing in our motherland.
A wise man once said: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. This quote was brought to life by Dr Lemmer High School during a competition that saw learners turning trash into fashion to show off their creativity. The competition required learners to think beyond the creative concepts of an average person to capture the first-place prize.
A few learners came up with eye-catching designs, but the one that stood out was that of Elizabeth Nepolo, who was crowned first place during the first-ever recycled fashion show.
The learners displayed immense talent when they showcased the cultures, beliefs and values of different ethnic groups, displaying the talents hidden in the landscapes of our beautiful country. Overall, the event was educational and it showed the love the learners have for their country.
They learnt that independence is a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices of those who fought for freedom, and it is a call to cherish and preserve this precious gift for future generations.