Empowering the youth through entertainment

RAKS Namibia aims to motivate and inspire the youth
Theresia Lucas
With many social troubles, such as mental illnesses, suicide, gender-based violence, teenage pregnancy, alcohol and drug abuse, and lawlessness, to mention a few, plaguing the Namibian and African youth at large, an event was hosted under the theme "Youth Awakening."
"The event served as a powerful tool to shift the despondent atmosphere narrative of our Namibian youth into a positive and spirit-filled one," said Charlotte Mojackie, founder of Raks Namibia. The event was hosted at the Zoo Park amphitheatre.
Martin PK, a South African musician, attended as the guest of honour and graced the youth in attendance with his performances and some words of encouragement. In addition, one of Namibia’s most prominent artists, D-naff, also performed alongside Tequila. "It is up to you as the youth not to steal from your future by taking part in activities such as sexual intercourse prematurely," the Oshagwana singer said. He added that it is important for the youth to take up space and actively invest in their future by focusing on things that matter, like their education.
A poet and TV presenter known as Franklin was the master of ceremonies. He highlighted how the youth should feel privileged as there are establishments that care enough to host events such as the Youth Awakening concert. "You all should consider this a privilege because you have people who care about you enough to host such an event. We believe in you; you are the future," Franklin said. He also gave a performance alongside Dee-A and NF.
Young motivational speaker and activist Willem Emvula gave a talk to the youth where he highlighted the importance of making sure that the youth try their best not to become victims to issues affecting the Namibian nation, especially alcohol and drug abuse. Pombili Shilongo (a gender-based violence activist and media personality) was also in attendance and discussed issues pertaining to gender-based violence.
She shared contact details about who to call in times of need, including the Lifeline/ChildLine numbers.
"It is important to know that you are never alone in your suffering and that there are always people who are willing to help," she said.