Fostering digital inclusivity in Namibia

Junior Kapofi
MTC has exciting news for tech enthusiasts and innovators in the region. In collaboration with Inclusive and Collaborative Local Tech Innovation Hub and the Namibia University of Science and Technology's (NUST) High-Tech Transfer Plaza Select, the telecommunications giant is all set to host the MTC Tech Innovation Bazaar in Windhoek from 15 to 17 November.
Under the theme 'Digital inclusivity through innovation', the event promises to be a melting pot of ground-breaking technologies and ideas that are propelling Namibia into the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and beyond.

A culture of digital inclusivity
Nawa Likando, MTC's head of digital transformation and innovation, expressed the company's commitment to innovation as a force for positive change.
"At MTC, we believe in the power of innovation to drive positive change. The MTC Tech Innovation Bazaar is testament to our commitment to fostering a culture of digital inclusivity."
The collaboration with Inclusive and Collaborative Local Tech Innovation Hub (ICTechHub) and NUST demonstrates MTC's dedication to creating a platform where ground-breaking ideas can flourish and contribute to technological advancement - not only in Namibia, but also beyond its borders, he said.

Showcasing cutting-edge technologies
The event aims to showcase cutting-edge technologies and innovations with the potential to revolutionise various industries, all while prioritising digital inclusivity. It will bring together a diverse array of participants, including investors, industry stakeholders, mentors, partners and innovators, the telecommunications company said.
The primary goal is to incubate and propel innovative ideas into the market.
Innovators can seize the opportunity to present their projects and concepts to potential investors, paving the way for financial support that can bring their innovations to life. Visitors can expect to witness a showcase of cutting-edge technologies, prototypes and innovative solutions that have the capacity to reshape industries, it said.
One of the key focal points of the MTC Tech Innovation Bazaar is demonstrating how technological advancements can contribute to digital inclusivity.
Professor Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, co-founder and lead of the ICTechHub at NUST, emphasised this aspect, saying: "The MTC Tech Innovation Bazaar seeks to demonstrate how technological advancements contribute to the digital inclusivity of rural communities, learners, youth and elders, among others - not only being consumers, but also drivers of innovations and designers of relevant technologies."

Taking part
If you're an innovator or creative mind with great ideas, the MTC Tech Innovation Bazaar provides an incredible opportunity to showcase your talents. The event encourages participation from various sectors.
Aspiring start-ups and innovators are encouraged to submit their ideas and applications online on or before 13 October. During the event, these innovators will have the chance to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges and potential investors as they vie for support to bring their visions to fruition.