Importance of vitamins

Vitamins are important, especially for high school learners during this important time of their lives. In this article, we will look at the difference between vitamins, minerals and multivitamins and the importance of taking your daily dose of vitamins.
According to Janetta Arellano, children who receive a well-balanced diet do not need extra vitamin intake over and above the recommended dietary allowances (RDA).
Children with underlying medical conditions, poor appetite or highly-restricted diets (i.e. picky eaters and vegan or vegetarian eaters who may not consume a balanced diet) may benefit from a vitamin supplementation plan overseen by their family doctors.
This is a guide to vitamins for teens:

Vitamin A
Helps with: Night and colour vision, in addition to normal growth, healthy skin and tissue repair.
Found in: Dairy products and orange vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkins.

B vitamins
Helps with: New cell production and metabolism
Found in: Meat, poultry, fish, legumes, milk, eggs, whole grains and enriched bread and cereals. B12 is only obtained by eating animal products including fish, meat, eggs and dairy. B12 supplements may be recommended for those following a vegan diet.

Helps with: Building strong bones, keeps nerves and muscles working, and helps keep the heart healthy.
Found in: Milk, yoghurt, dairy, tofu, leafy greens, beans and legumes.

Helps with: Your body’s ability to fight off illnesses and infections. It also helps with cell growth and helps heal wounds and cuts.
Found in: Dark meat; nuts such as cashews, almonds and peanuts; legumes such as beans, split peas and lentils.

Vitamin C
Helps with: Synthesising collagen, which is important in teeth and bone formation and wound healing. It also boosts the immune system.
Found in: Citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, strawberries, cabbage and spinach.

Vitamin D
Helps with: Bone formation and maintaining adequate calcium levels.
Found in: Fortified dairy products, fish oils and egg yolks. Direct sunlight is another source of Vitamin D.

Helps with: Red blood cell production and increases muscle mass. Teens undergo rapid growth and their iron needs are greater, particularly young women who are menstruating and are at risk of developing iron deficiency.
Found in: Meats (beef, turkey, pork and liver), spinach and beans.

Folic acid
Helps with: Metabolism and new cell production. It is especially important during growth spurts.
Found in: Legumes, asparagus, eggs, leafy greens and citrus fruits.