The #BeFree Youth Campus: A New Dawn for education in Namibia

Varsity Corner
Rivaldo Kavanga
Namibia's education sector faces substantial challenges, characterised by high failure and dropout rates, teenage pregnancies, and dilapidated infrastructure.
Over the past seven years, an estimated 10 000 learners have been unable to progress beyond their initial educational stages, including failing to qualify for university admission.

The systemic challenges experienced by learners in the education sector are challenges all stakeholders are already aware of: A lack of textbooks, a lack of modern learning and teaching devices and resources and the overflow of classrooms are all common knowledge.

The neglect of life skills education and the reluctance to discuss critical topics like sex, HIV/Aids and mental health only compound the challenges experienced by learners in the education sector.

Often overlooked, life skills education becomes a forgotten chapter in the book of knowledge, overshadowed by subjects like mathematics and biology.

This results in the loss of crucial information on sex, HIV/AIDS, and mental health, which are vital for young people's well-being and understanding.

Regrettably, in the 21st century, these topics are still considered taboo, causing teachers to shy away from addressing them.

Education beyond the classroom

A new ray of hope emerges with the #BeFree Youth Campus, a manifestation of the #BeFree key learnings report.

This innovative centre aims to bridge the gaps in formal education by supporting young people's developmental needs.

The youth centre, a state-of-the art space for young people to thrive, offers students and learners only the best to help them with their educational needs. Furnished with modern learning devices and resources, the centre offers additional support that will supplement the educational needs of learners and students.

The #BeFree Youth Campus seeks to change the taboo narrative surrounding certain topics in school by providing a welcoming and non-judgemental environment (nxa vibe) for young people to learn and openly discuss topics like sex, mental health, and sexually transmitted diseases. By fostering a supportive atmosphere, the centre enables comprehensive education that equips young individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate life.

In conclusion, the #BeFree Youth Campus heralds a new era for education in Namibia, aiming to empower and uplift the youth by filling critical gaps left by the formal education system. By addressing taboo issues, providing comprehensive life skills education, and fostering resilience, this centre promises to be a transformative force in the lives of young individuals and the community as a whole.