Turning heartache into art with 'Fatherless'

Sharing her story of growing up without a father
The author explained that the book began as a quest for introspection, aiming to understand the impact of her father's absence.
Aurelia Afrikaner
In a deeply introspective and heartfelt work, Linda Natacha Perestrelo shares her story of growing up without a father in her debut book, 'Fatherless'. Perestrelo, an accomplished English lecturer at the International University of Management (IUM), delves into her personal experiences to unravel the profound impact of an absent father on her life.
The idea for 'Fatherless' was ignited from a personal place within Perestrelo. Growing up with an absent father was not a void, but rather a constant presence and reminder in her life, shaping her emotional landscape in profound ways. The book began as a quest for introspection, aiming to understand the impact of this absence, she narrated.
Through its pages, the novel served as a means of healing and coming to terms with the past, articulating the emptiness she felt and navigating the complexities of life without parental guidance.
Perestrelo hopes readers take away several powerful messages from 'Fatherless'. She emphasised the strength that blooms within the void of an absent father, the importance of forgiveness for personal peace, and the idea that fatherhood can take many forms beyond biological ties. She also highlighted the potential for pain to guide one's purpose and underscored the importance of seeking support from a community that understands.

A personal connection
Perestrelo said the experiences chronicled in the book are deeply personal, drawn from her own life. It is her story of navigating the complexities of fatherlessness, the yearning for a paternal connection and ultimately discovering strength within herself, she said.
Writing 'Fatherless' was a transformative experience for her. It demanded raw honesty and introspection, peeling back layers of emotions and reliving painful memories. However, this process of confronting bottled-up emotions became a form of healing, allowing her to gain closure and move forward with a lighter heart, the author noted.
If 'Fatherless' were to be adapted into a movie, Perestrelo envisions a dream cast that includes Marsai Martin and Florence Pugh as the protagonist at different ages, Viola Davis as the mother, and Morgan Freeman as a mentor figure. This cast, she believes, would capture the emotional depth and resilience explored in the book.

Impact on young readers
For young readers, Perestrelo hopes 'Fatherless' offers validation, empowerment and a reminder that positive male role models can come from various places. She aims to break the silence surrounding fatherlessness and foster a supportive community for young people facing similar challenges.
She added that she envisions the novel being translated into other languages, reaching a broader audience and resonating with readers from different cultural backgrounds. She hopes the book sparks conversations, offers comfort and provides strength to those navigating similar challenges.
Through her writing, Perestrelo said she aims to connect deeply with her audience, providing resilience and hope.
Copies of the book can be ordered by emailing [email protected] or calling/texting 081 289 7614. The book is priced at N$280.