Tyitende's political vision for Namibia's youth

Hold political parties, elected officials accountable - analyst
Tyitende urged voters, particularly the youth demographic, to pose crucial questions to political candidates during campaigns.
Raimo Dengeinge
In a dynamic panel discussion hosted by Eduvote, an initiative by the Global Shapers Windhoek Hub, the spotlight was firmly placed on the vital role of Namibia's youth in shaping the trajectory of democracy. The event, held on 30 May at The Village Windhoek, provided a platform for impassioned conversations, shedding light on the complexities of political ideologies and the importance of holding elected officials accountable.
Political analyst Rui Tyitende's remarks drew attention to the intricacies of political ideologies within Namibia's landscape. Tyitende pointed out the absence of clear ideological distinctions among the country's political parties, highlighting a challenge that often confuses voters. “For example, on the land issue? LPM is very strong on that. Swapo is very strong on ‘shared prosperity’. I still do not know what it means. People talk about affordable housing and they will never tell you how exactly they are going to execute that affordable housing," he remarked.
Unlike some democracies where parties align along distinct ideological lines such as liberalism, conservatism or socialism, Namibia's parties often appear to overlap in their policies and principles. Tyitende emphasised the need for voters to delve beyond surface-level promises, also urging them to scrutinise past performances and commitments made by political parties.
Tyitende urged voters, particularly the youth demographic, to pose crucial questions to political candidates during campaigns. These questions should encompass various aspects, including the source of party funding, mechanisms for ensuring accountability and the feasibility of fulfilling campaign promises. By holding candidates accountable for their statements and actions, voters can ensure that elected officials remain committed to serving the interests of the people rather than vested interests.
Analyse political manifestos
Manifestos serve as blueprints for governance, outlining parties' vision, goals and proposed strategies for achieving them. However, Tyitende cautioned that manifestos are often crafted with the intention of appealing to a broad range of voters, sometimes leading to vague or unrealistic promises. Tyitende acknowledged the difficulties in successfully putting policy frameworks into practice, despite the significance of political ideologies and promises, using the Harambee Prosperity Plan as an example.
A lack of a budgetary structure and difficulties with coordination and implementation at the local level hampered the plan's efficacy, despite its high aims for the country's development, he explained.
His remarks underscored the need to bridge the gap between policy formulation and implementation. This requires not only adequate financial resources but also effective coordination among government agencies, civil society organisations, and other stakeholders.
In a rapidly changing political landscape, the role of youth becomes increasingly significant. As the torchbearers of tomorrow's Namibia, they have the potential to drive transformative change, shaping the country's future in alignment with their aspirations and values. Through continuous education, critical inquiry, and active participation, Namibia's youth can become powerful agents of positive change, driving the nation towards greater prosperity, inclusivity, and democracy.