Vox Pops

The My Zone team took to the streets to ask the youth what they're passionate about, and why?
Hein de Villiers
Psychology. People always say the mind is a battlefield; that’s probably the only battlefield I’d fight on. The whole concept of your brain and its decisions, trauma responses, stimuli, etc has always been something that piqued my interest. Your mind can make or break you in a flash, and that just makes the whole concept of psychology more intriguing to me.

Amé Snyman
I am very passionate about motorsports, especially Formula 1, and my end-goal is to find work within the sport. Everything from the adrenaline rush to the teamwork excites me.

Francois Malan
I am passionate about the my self-growth and I believe in fighting for what I believe in, which is a successful future in academics.

Rosalie Lägel
I am passionate about my favourite artists, because I think good music helps to create a good vibe and music connects people. The lyrics of most songs are also really relatable and that helps me to feel understood.

Ané Oberholzer
I am extremely passionate about helping others. I really enjoy it to be able to make somebody else’s day. By uplifting the people around us, we create an environment that is caring and supportive. Something as quick as holding the door for someone can have a long-lasting positive impact on that person.