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Hinauarue Rijatua
Why are initiatives such as the #BeFree 'Little Shop of Physics' important for communities?

Tjiunotjina Tjiyorokisa
Because it is important to gain more knowledge on how physics and science work. We get to do things that make learning fun and show how science is all around us every day. We are very happy and excited about this 'Little Shop of Physics' here. I'm happy to see the change it will make.

Jie Dawid
Today was very nice as always, with things like the 'Little Shop of Physics' in our community. It’s 'nxa' and everyone should come to places like this. Today, we were busy with our little physics classes as usual and I made a lot of new friends, and it will help us learn something new as we don’t learn these things at home. New things always come with stuff like this.

Leshaun Goaeiseb
The 'Little Shop of Physics' is helping me with the topics and resources we need to know regarding science. Science is not just about investments and inventions, it's also about what you do. The 'Little Shop of Physics' helps us with all the things that we need to know regarding science in our lives. Science is a powerful topic regarding education, which is the key to success.

Thomas Thomas
The 'Little Shop of Physics' teaches us that science is all around us. It is involved in nearly everything we do daily. It helps us understand how things function and why, making science an important part of our lives. This understanding makes us more curious and makes the community happy to learn science for free with these programmes.

Penaani Tjiyorokisa
Having a place like the #BeFree 'Little Shop of Physics' is super important, especially for the community, because it helps us learn cool things about science that we use every day, and that everyone can access. It makes science fun and easy to understand, showing us how everything around us works and why it's so interesting.

Matja Kavee
Science initiatives like the #BeFree 'Little Shop of Physics' are crucial because they make learning about science fun and accessible to everyone in the community. They help us understand how things work in our world, sparking curiosity and encouraging us to explore and appreciate the science all around us. I really feel like it's a win for education this side.