Vox Pops

QUESTION: What is one thing you, as a young person, would like to see improved in our community?
I’d like to see more opportunities for youth to engage in leadership and development projects in our community. By fostering a supportive environment for innovation and skill building, the community can harness the energy and creativity of its youth, leading to a more dynamic and inclusive society.

Cameiro Andreas
As a young person, one thing I’d like to see improved in our community is increased access to mental health resources. Many young people face challenges related to mental health, and having more accessible, affordable and stigma-free support can make a significant difference in their overall well-being and success.

Viuee Nganjone
Definitely, youth mentorship and tutoring.
I’d love to volunteer to tutor younger students or mentor peers in subjects I excel at, e.g. math, physics, biology, natural sciences, etc., offering academic support or guidance on navigating school life. This improves, helps build a supportive learning environment and fosters a sense of community.

Uaundja Tjikuzu
As a young person, one thing I'd like to see improved in the community is access to mental health resources. Increasing availability and reducing stigma around mental health can help ensure that everyone, especially young people, has the support they need to thrive.

Elinatsee Andreas
As a young person, I would like to see our community improve access to menstrual products for those in need. Ensuring that these products are freely available in schools and community centres would make a significant difference in addressing period poverty and reducing stigma around menstrual health.