Vox pops

How do you balance school with other activities, hobbies and interests?
Hinauarue Rijatua
Gotlob T Tjirera
First and foremost, I create a to-do list. This to-do list inculcates everything I need to get done that day, which makes it simpler for me to tackle my responsibilities day by day. The secret to a balanced life is to try to take everything slow and steady. And, of course, there’s a little reward like music and scrolling on the socials.

Marsha Kaeka
It’s crucial to be intentional with your time, making sure you allocate specific time slots for each task. To stay organised and focused, I rely on to-do lists, which help me keep track of my tasks and ensure nothing gets overlooked. The key to balancing everything is managing your time wisely and having the discipline to stick to your plan.

Atuzembi Kandando
I balance school and other activities by prioritising tasks, using a planner to manage time, breaking work into smaller steps, and staying organised. I focus on what matters most and ensure to take breaks to stay refreshed.

Anya Hinterholzer
To balance school with sports and personal activities, I prioritise my schedule by creating a detailed plan that allocates specific times for each commitment. I stay organised by using a calendar to keep track of deadlines, practices and personal activities to ensure I can manage my time effectively.

Lana Sachse
I balance my school workload and other interests by always trying to remain disciplined. Discipline is an important factor. To know that one has to do schoolwork at certain times and chill at another. But also to be nice to yourself and tell yourself that you are human and also deserve to recharge a bit with your people