Leading the execution of Lithon’s strategy

A love of mathematics and structure
After completing his studies in 2003, Gert Maritz joined Lithon in 2005 and managed both the Oshakati and Swakopmund offices before relocating to Windhoek in 2014 to oversee the civil and transport department as director.
Wetumwene Shikage
Gert Maritz was appointed in 2020 as chief operating officer (COO) of Lithon Project Consultants and took over as chief executive officer (CEO) of the company in May 2021.
He is responsible for leading the execution of the company’s strategy with an overarching responsibility for human capital, profit, marketing, and processes to drive the company forward.
Maritz realised this was a career path for him as he always loved mathematics and the sight of structures. "It was almost love at first sight when I realised that civil engineering would fulfil both these loves of mine," he said.
He said he transitioned into the role of CEO once he realised what he calls his "God-given purpose."
Maritz says he is a leader by nature with a natural tendency to lead where there is a need. "Living out my purpose to make a difference in my sphere of influence was almost a natural transition into the role of CEO," he said.
Maritz is a civil engineer by profession with a masters’ in civil engineering, obtained from the University of Stellenbosch. He loves to read leadership and business books to develop himself in this role.
Lessons learned
Sharing some of the greatest lessons learned in his role so far, Maritz says the greatest asset for a company is its people. Working hard as a team to uplift people to realise their individual purpose is what he enjoys, not only at work but in daily life as well.
Maritz said part of Lithon’s strategy is to expand into Africa and export its expertise to other markets as well. "We already started with this process by opening offices in South Africa in 2014, but want to continue to grow the business into the rest of Africa as well. I truly believe that we have the necessary skills to make an impact and difference outside the borders of Namibia," he said.
To make sure that services offered by Lithon are well researched and executed by the team, Maritz says the company believes in teamwork and collaboration with different stakeholders, whether internal or external. "Healthy relationships are key to the execution of a project. Our team also has state-of-the-art software and equipment to execute projects efficiently and to the best standards," he said.
Change is constant
Maritz has seen the construction industry undergo a huge transformation over the past six years with the economic slump.

"To work together as a team to transform our business processes and to diversify within the industry is a big win for us. I am proud to have been part of such a great team able to achieve this and remain relevant in the industry."

Additionally, Maritz says the industry he works in greatly focuses on value creation, where clients want to have projects completed within time, budget and standard. "Balancing all three of these is a skill and an art as you are dealing with emotions and budgets, constantly racing against time," he said.


As a leader, seeing people grow with time fascinates him the most.

"It is always fascinating to take in young engineers and mould them to be a better version of themselves, both technically and personally, to see them take on bigger and greater tasks and roles in the industry," he said.

His advice to young people who wish to take up managerial positions is that it is important to know their purpose and why they were created. "The person you will be in five years from now depends on the people you associate with and the books you read. Discover yourself, surround yourself with positive-minded people, and read books."

One of the legacies he wishes to leave behind is that of having fully lived his purpose. "The priority of my life is to know and love God and to influence, coordinate, and support individuals and organisations in my sphere of influence to fulfil their purpose and be the change they want to see."

Fun facts about Maritz:

1. I believe in a well-balanced lifestyle.
2. Spending time with my wife and three kids is primary to me.
3. Socialising with friends is a high on my priority list.
4. I enjoy camping and going hunting.
5. I love mountain biking with friends and family.
6. I love self-development through reading.