Living in exciting times to achieve his dreams

Persistence, self-discipline and a great support system are helping Romanus Kampungu achieve his dreams.
Staff Reporter
Romanus Kampungu has been part of Oryx Properties since 2019 when he joined as a financial and property accountant. He found his niche and said he is grateful and happy to be part of a “fantastic team and the exciting Oryx Properties’ 2025 strategy”.
Initially, he did not know what career to pursue and was undecided between economics and accounting.
“I took a gap year and eventually decided on accounting, but I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to go all the way to qualifying as a chartered accountant (CA),” he said.
After he completed his degree at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), he joined Ernst & Young’s tax service line as an associate, before transferring to assurance to complete his audit articles.
“After my audit articles in 2019, I joined Oryx Properties and the rest, as they say, is history.”
Kampungu said the journey to qualifying as a CA was not easy. Working and studying at the same time has its own unique set of challenges. “I knew from the start that it would be a challenge and, strange enough, that is one of the reasons why I chose to pursue it. It is a challenging course, even for full-time students.
“What helped me get through it was accepting that taking on new challenges is a huge part of the human experience. Add persistence, hard work and self- discipline to that equation and anything is bearable,” he said.
He said at Oryx Properties, he gets to work with some of the best professionals in the Namibian property market, with decades of valuable working experience, adding that he is proud to be part of the team. Additionally, he can fondly look back at a few highlights. One of them is having played Father Christmas to underprivileged children. That act of kindness and the gratitude from the children was something that has stayed with him ever since, he said.
“There is a lot I am looking forward to in my current role; the positive contribution I can make to the work lives of everyone I get to interact and work with.”