Movers and shakers

Wetumwene Shikage
Over the past month, Alexforbes Investments’ new business development consultant Zandria Venter noticed a distinct and innovative approach to work, solidifying her belief that Alexforbes is a progressive company embracing the evolving world of work.
The responsibility to cultivate relationships and enhance the assets under management at Alexforbes Investments Namibia is catered to by Venter. She is also trained as an investment consultant, which she said is a prospect that excites her as it reflects the company's commitment to investing in her personal and professional development.
After graduating in 2016, Venter has consistently applied for positions at Alexforbes, and said her experience working for the company has been unique and refreshing.

Her educational background includes a BCom law degree from North West University in Potchefstroom, a post-graduate diploma in business administration from the University of Namibia (Unam), a post-graduate diploma in financial planning from the University of the Free State, and a certified financial planning accreditation from the Financial Planning Institute of South Africa.
Initially, she pursued her studies and aimed her career toward the corporate world. “Understanding that it was my desired destination, much of my educational journey took place while working, recognising the need for continuous development,” she said.
Venter considers the most rewarding aspect of her job to be the opportunity for continuous learning and actively participating in her personal development.
For those aspiring to pursue a career similar to hers, she said it is important to be patient. “Cultivating patience fosters a positive mindset and equips you to navigate setbacks. Patience is a valuable trait, especially when navigating the challenges of the corporate world. I struggled to define myself in a few words, but at 29, I've settled on perseverance and tenacity - qualities that have driven my unwavering commitment to my career,” she said.
In her free time, Venter cherishes moments spent with family and friends, and finds joy in staying active, making it a routine to kickstart her day with a workout for an energy boost.