Musuuo: Salt Essential’s tech luminary

Solving one tech issue at a time
The seasoned field support engineer provides technical support and assistance to Salt Essential IT's end-users.
Mariud Ngula
Ivan Musuuo serves as Salt Essential IT’s field support engineer. He has been a Saltie for over seven years, having joined them as a junior engineer in 2016. Like all entry-level employees, Musuuo recalls his novice days when he was excited to apply what he had learnt in college to the real world.
The now proficient field support expert acknowledges Salt's nurturing environment and commitment to innovation. “They have given me ample opportunities to grow and excel in this role. The journey is, of course, not without challenges, but my great curiosity for technology and its revolutionary ability served as my impetus for IT engineering. Seeing the quick improvements and their impact on numerous industries inspired me to contribute to this ever-changing industry.”
About the guiding thread across his life, he underscores his love for Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Musuuo’s dedication is rooted in the unwavering encouragement and inspiration he receives from his dear wife and children. “They are my cheering squad, always motivating me to approach each day with purpose and focus,” he said.

The seasoned field support engineer provides technical support and assistance to Salt's end-users. He ensures IT requests, incidents and issues are addressed and resolved. His key tasks include user support, technical assistance, remote support, ticket management, documentation, training, collaboration and customer service.
He said his role hinges on effective communication, especially when explaining complex technical issues to clients or colleagues with non-technical backgrounds. “One ought to present an overview or review of the correspondence. This emphasises the main themes and serves as an outline they can return to if necessary.
“When handling clients/users’ technical issues, actively listening to their description of the problem to collect relevant information is key. One should also stay updated with the latest advancements in technology to ensure top-notch support to the clients.”

Advice and hobbies
Looking ahead, Musuuo anticipates transformative trends in the field of service desk engineering, driven by technological advancements and evolving work dynamics. He emphasised the importance of adaptability and continuous learning in staying ahead of the curve. His advice to aspiring field support engineers is this: “Never lose hope in yourself and never give up on your aspirations. Keep pushing; you'll get there eventually”.
Beyond his professional endeavours, Musuuo enjoys engaging with his community through Christian events, Bible study and social gatherings. His hobbies, which include listening to gospel music, dancing and watching movies and sports, contribute to his overall well-being and effectiveness in his role.