Nothing is impossible - Boois-Beukes

Thriving in communications
Theresia Lucas
Determined, hardworking and an overall lover of life, Beaulah Boois-Beukes is the current corporate communications officer at the Namibian Broadcasting Cooperation (NBC). She works within the corporate affairs section of NBC’s commercial department and advises on efficient communication strategies the broadcaster can adopt to set an agenda in the media industry and portray it positively to the public. She also has a hand in improving internal and external communication and managing NBC’s multimedia platforms.
She further serves as a voice-over artist, MC and, most recently, a writer and director for the corporation’s drama training programme.
She has written a short film titled ‘Bleeding Love’, which highlights social issues including gender-based violence and teenage pregnancy.
In addition, she is a part-time media management and entrepreneurship lecturer to third-year media studies students at the University of Namibia (Unam).

Countering obstacles
Having grown up in a positive home where she was taught to always look for that which is good in every situation, she stays clear of negativity and always looks for the silver lining.
Boois-Beukes describes herself as professional, saying: “I like to maintain that professionalism, regardless of challenges in the workplace. I do more than what is expected of me because of my work ethic and commitment to my job,” she said.

“When you are passionate about your hopes and dreams, do everything in your power to achieve them. Nothing is impossible,” the mother of three said.
She narrated that she started as a young single mother and had to tell herself that nothing and no one can stand in the way of her achieving her goals. She also noted that she had to let go of what didn’t work for her, and push through her studies, no matter how hard it got, as she initially studied dental technology before pursuing media studies.
Now, she holds has a master’s degree in arts and media studies. Boois-Beukes believes that this is possible for young women everywhere.