Setting the right narrative as BIPA company secretary

Progress within corporate governance
Appointed on 11 September, Auguste Abisai intends to gain a thorough understanding of BIPA's operations and improve her work metrics.
Wetumwene Shikage
The Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA) recently appointed its company secretary, Auguste Abisai. She holds a master's degree in business administration (MBA) in addition to qualifications in law, risk and compliance management.
Abisai said her most recent qualification - her MBA - equipped her with advanced strategic planning, leadership and analytical skills. These help to optimise business processes and develop comprehensive strategies that result in tangible improvements in operational efficiency.
She added that the responsibilities and roles of the modern-day company secretary, also known as the “gatekeeper of the boardroom”, have evolved. From a "note-taker" at board meetings or “administrative servant of the board”, the roles now encompass a much broader role of acting as board advisor, facilitating effective communication between the board of directors, shareholders and regulatory authorities.
She is also required to maintain high standards of corporate governance within the organisation.

Crucial corporate governance
Abisai said the importance of corporate governance cannot be understated as it influences how objectives of a business are set and achieved. It also looks at how risks are monitored and assessed, and how internal performance is optimised.
“Today, there is a better appreciation of this importance and what good corporate governance in its broad scope can do to the bottom line of any company,” she said.
The newly appointed company secretary shares some of her short-term goals, saying she aims to greatly focus on gaining a thorough understanding of BIPA’s operations while improving her work metrics.
While this appointment exposes her to a new industry, she considers it to be crucial towards building a profile of experience across a spectrum of industries.
“I am grateful to be working with a committed and experienced board that readily shares wisdom and knowledge under the capable leadership of the chairperson, Immanuel! Hanabeb.
Working with a CEO who possesses, amongst other qualities, foresight for future planning, adaptability to changing circumstances and visionary leadership qualities is a great catalyst for my career growth,” she said.
While navigating and building a career, she has learnt two core values from the former Namibia Training Authority (NTA) CEO, Jerry Beukes, who firmly believes that an individual should always do research and never jeopardise their integrity.