Turning passion into a career: Justino’s journey to founding 26 Media

Branding and Creativity
Founder and creative director of 26 Media, Marc Justino shares his passion and vision for his company.
Patricia Coetzee
Printing and branding company 26 Media was founded with the vision of revolutionising the industry. Founder and creative director Marc Justino said creativity and art have always been at the centre of his curiosity, and this led to him taking the leap and turning his passion into a career.
“I’ve always been passionate about creativity and bringing ideas to life. Growing up, I loved drawing and designing, and I was fascinated by the way products could be transformed through innovative branding and printing. As I explored my interests, I realised that the printing and branding industry was the perfect intersection of art, design and business,” he said.
Justino described his role within his company as a ‘dynamic blend of leadership, innovation and creativity'. His responsibilities are to set the overall direction and strategy for the company and ensure that the team is always pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the industry.
Everyone draws inspiration from somewhere, and for Justino, it is the ever-changing digital landscape.
“What inspires me are things like artificial intelligence (AI), innovations and discovering new ventures. I am a very curious man,” he said.

Challenges and achievements
Like any other company, 26 Media has faced some pivotal challenges as well as some noteworthy achievements throughout the years.
Justino recalled one of his biggest achievements: Being able to get a free-standing office and having a talented team of six people
“A team of six people might seem small and simple now, but a few years ago, it was probably the biggest thing I have ever accomplished,” he said.
When asked about the biggest challenge he has faced, Justino highlighted the execution of one of their first big projects. He explained that this project was almost double the size of their usual projects, and staying within budget was the biggest challenge they faced.
They overcome this issue by working together as a team, he said, adding that he now regards this as a learning experience.
When asked about the future of 26 Media, the creative director said he wants to get the company to a high industrial level that has over 1 000 employees.
Another goal he has set out for 26 Media is to branch out to having a training centre for creatives in the country and beyond.

Advice to the youth
It is not a secret that a lot can be learnt from individuals such as Justino, so when asked whether he had any advice for the youth, this is what he had to say: “Don’t let paperwork hold you back from turning your ideas into reality! Start by focusing on creating a product or service that solves a problem or meets a need. Get it out there, share it with others, and gather feedback.”
He added that the most important thing for young people to remember is to start taking action. "That is how you start to make progress."
"Every door that opens is a final chance to excel. Step through with purpose, and leave a lasting impact," he said.

Facts about the printing and branding field
Digital printing accounts for over 20% of the global printing market.
The printing industry is adopting automation and AI to enhance efficiency.
The demand for large-format printing is increasing
Branding and marketing agencies are increasingly seeking specialised printing services.
The rise of e-commerce has increased demand for packaging and label printing.