Protecting Namibia’s environment…

… while enabling its socio-economic development
Marco Raffinetti
Namibia is one of the few countries where environmental protection is enshrined in its Constitution, reflecting the Government of the Republic of Namibia's (GRN) commitment to preserving its natural environment. Article 95(l) of Namibia’s Constitution mandates the government to formulate policies, legislation, and programs aimed at preserving biodiversity and ecosystems while sustainably using natural resources for the benefit of current and future generations.
However, the government also has the responsibility to foster socio-economic development. Despite progress since independence in 1990, Namibia remains the second most unequal society globally in terms of wealth and income distribution. To address these inequalities, GRN initiated the Harambee Prosperity Plan II (HPPII), the 6th National Development Plan (NDP6), and Vision 2030, all of which aim to accelerate economic growth. A key component of these plans is harnessing Namibia's renewable energy resources to drive green industrial development, including green hydrogen production to help decarbonise global markets.
As part of this strategy, GRN selected two sites within the Tsau //Khaeb National Park (TKNP) for large-scale green hydrogen projects. Hyphen Hydrogen Energy was awarded the rights to develop Namibia’s first green hydrogen-to-ammonia project within the TKNP. This project aims to cut 5-6 million tonnes of CO²annually while fostering green industrialisation in Namibia. However, the challenge is to balance economic development with environmental preservation.
Hyphen's project design prioritises impact avoidance, with plans to minimise the project's footprint within the TKNP. Approximately 90% of the project’s footprint will be in areas with the lowest biodiversity sensitivity. For unavoidable impacts, Hyphen will implement a Biodiversity Action Plan with strict mitigation measures. Hyphen is committed to adhering to Namibia's environmental legislation and international standards, particularly the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standard 6 on Biodiversity Conservation.
Hyphen has engaged a team of environmental specialists and has enlisted the expertise of local and global environmental consultants to guide the project through Namibia's Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) process. The ESIA process will include screening, scoping, and impact assessment phases, ensuring that the project design avoids the most sensitive areas of the TKNP.
Hyphen is also committed to engaging with local communities and stakeholders through roadshows and workshops across Namibia. The company aims to balance environmental preservation with sustainable economic development, setting a benchmark for green projects in Namibia and beyond.
* Marco Raffinetti is the CEO of Hyphen Hydrogen Energy.
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