Roots and Discourse: Media and Politics

Natasja Beyleveld
The public agenda, often driven by traditional media outlets and official government communications, may focus on a range of topics including government policies, legislative developments, major events and official statements from political leaders. This agenda is typically shaped by editorial decisions, press releases and coverage of significant events by mainstream media organisations.
On the other hand, social media discussions offer a more decentralised and diverse platform for public discourse, where individuals and communities can express their views, share information, and engage in conversations about a wide range of topics. Social media discussions are often driven by grassroots activism, citizen journalism and viral content, and they may highlight issues that are not always prominent in the mainstream media agenda.
Discourse on social media platforms in Namibia may offer insights into public sentiment, emerging trends and grassroots movements that may not always be reflected in the official public agenda. Here are some differences that may exist between the public agenda and social media discussions in Namibia:
Coverage of controversial issues: Social media discussions may give more attention to controversial or sensitive issues that are not extensively covered by traditional media outlets. These issues may include allegations of corruption, human rights abuses and government failures, which may not always be prominently featured in official communications.
Diverse perspectives: Users from different backgrounds, languages, communities and regions can contribute to discussions on social media, providing a more inclusive and multifaceted view of public opinion.
Real-time updates and citizen reporting: Social media platforms enable real-time updates and citizen reporting on events as they unfold, allowing users to share information and footage directly from the ground. This can lead to the rapid dissemination of news and information that may not yet have been covered by traditional media outlets.
Amplification of grassroots movements: Social media can amplify grassroots movements, protests and advocacy campaigns, bringing attention to issues that may not have received significant coverage in the mainstream media. Hashtags, viral videos, and online petitions can mobilize public support and influence the public agenda.
Polarisation and echo chambers: Social media discussions may also be characterised by polarisation and the formation of echo chambers, where users are exposed to viewpoints that align with their own beliefs and values. This can lead to the amplification of certain narratives while marginalizing others, potentially shaping public discourse in ways that differ from the broader public agenda.
Overall, while there may be overlap between the public agenda and social media discussions in Namibia, each platform offers unique insights, reflecting the diverse voices and perspectives within society. There is no doubt that the convergence of the public agenda and social media discussions can positively influence leadership discussions and decision-making in several ways Let us elaborate:
Increased awareness and accountability: When issues gain traction on social media platforms and become part of the public agenda, political leaders are often compelled to address them. The widespread dissemination of information and public discourse on social media can increase awareness of pressing issues and hold leaders accountable for their actions or inaction. By engaging in social media discussions, leaders can gain insights into the concerns, priorities and grievances of a wide range of constituents, fostering a more inclusive and participatory decision-making process.
Although not usually the ‘way to go’ for Namibian politicians, social media provides a platform for real-time feedback and communication between leaders and the public. Leaders can monitor social media discussions to gauge public sentiment, identify emerging issues and respond promptly to concerns or questions raised by citizens. This enables more agile and responsive governance, with leaders able to adapt their policies and actions based on public feedback.
Amplification of grassroots movements: Social media can amplify grassroots movements and advocacy campaigns. For example, the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) has actively engaged in social media campaigns to raise awareness of its policies and positions on key issues, attract new supporters and challenge the government on matters of governance, accountability and transparency.
The Landless People's Movement (LPM) emerged as a significant force in Namibian politics, particularly in advocating for land reform and the rights of marginalised communities. The party has utilised social media platforms to mobilise support for its agenda, raise awareness of land-related issues and challenge the government's land policies. The LPM's social media campaigns have helped elevate land reform to the top of the public agenda in Namibia. We also have Independent Candidates and Civil Society Groups that do not identify as political parties in the traditional sense but have also used social media to engage with the public and advocate for specific causes or issues.
Also, we must consider that often, social media discussions can contribute to civic education by raising awareness of political processes, government policies and civic rights and responsibilities. By engaging with social media users in discussions about governance and public policy, leaders can encourage greater civic participation and empower citizens to play an active role in shaping the future of their country.
To conclude, the convergence of the public agenda and social media discussions can create opportunities for more inclusive, responsive, and accountable leadership, ultimately leading to better-informed decision-making and governance that reflects the needs and aspirations of the populace...
*Natasja Beyleveld is the Managing Director of NaMedia.
** Opinion pieces and letters by the public do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial team. The editors reserve the right to abridge original texts. All newspapers of Namibia Media Holdings adhere to the Code of Ethics for Namibian Media, a code established jointly with the Media Ombudsman.