Funding for San human rights project

The Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) launched the EU-funded project ‘Empowering the San: Legal Capacity building for Human Rights Access’, which is funded by the European Union to the tune of €330 000, and implemented by the LAC in collaboration with other stakeholders.
The project commences this month and runs for three years.
In the 33 years after Independence, comprehensive studies have been undertaken to document the realities faced by the San peoples of Namibia. The studies revealed that the living situation of the San as a collective has not improved although certain communities may have a marginally better living environment.
Consequently, the main aim of the project is to improve the living conditions of the San by fostering an environment that seeks to empower them to ultimately access these rights through their own volition.
The project aims to achieve, among others, improved access by San communities to basic constitutional and international human rights; strengthening awareness and advocacy capacity for combating all forms of discrimination on any ground; increasing engagement opportunities for the participation in decision making of peoples in minorities in vulnerable situations; and strengthening regulatory capacities and measures addressing social services, quality and affordable health services and education.