NAB hosts banana production training

Francoise Steynberg
The Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB), in partnership with AvaGro, invites all interested parties to join training sessions on banana production.

These sessions are designed to educate aspiring producers on the fundamentals of banana production and crop management. Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of various aspects of production, including the morphological characteristics of the banana plant, the challenges of growing bananas in subtropical regions, and the impact of temperature on banana plants’ growth.

Training takes place today and tomorrow at the AvaGro farm at Swakopmund, as well as on Saturday and Sunday at the Singalamwe Combined School at Kongola.


NAB and AvaGro achieved a significant milestone in the banana project when they successfully planted 2 222 tissue culture banana seedlings of two varieties during its first field trial in February on a one-hectare plot at Mango Vuluzi farm in the Singalamwe area in the Zambezi production zone.