Record-breaking graduation at Agra Agricultural Academy

Ellanie Smit
Thirty-four candidates recently graduated from the Agra Agricultural Academy under the management of Agra Provision.
This is the largest group to graduate from the academy to date.
According to Agra, the record-breaking graduation ceremony held on 8 March at the Agra / Bank Windhoek Ring, marked a significant milestone in its journey of educational excellence.
Agra said the event celebrated the fourth group of graduates since the academy’s inception in 2021.
The candidates received national certificates and diplomas in the fields of agriculture sales and services and animal and plant production.
“The graduation ceremony was a momentous occasion not only for the graduates but also for the academy, as it showcased the largest group of Agra employees to graduate in a single cohort,” according to Agra. Twenty-five Agra employees were among the graduates.

Impressive work
Arnold Klein, CEO of Agra, expressed his admiration for the graduates, particularly the Agra employees who also enrolled and graduated.
"I am proud of all our Agra employees who have graduated. At Agra, we are hooked on results and it is wonderful to see our employees also live our company values," said Klein.
The Agra Agricultural Academy continues to set a high bar for agricultural education in Namibia, with each graduating class surpassing the achievements of the last.
This year's record-breaking graduation ceremony is not just a testament to the success of the Academy's educational programmes but also a reflection of its vital role in nurturing the next generation of agricultural professionals, said Agra.