Henties residents rally to save Dorob

Iréne-Mari van der Walt
Henties Bay residents' efforts to actively intervene in the conservation of Dorob National Park under the 'Save the Dorob' initiative has garnered a positive response.
"Since we talked about this in the media, we have received a good response. Everyone is stepping in and offering to help as they can," said one of the residents, Daleen Agenbag.
The group hopes to clear paths to popular fishing spots north of Henties Bay, as well as the Messum Crater and the Dead Sea, among others.
"The desert is being destroyed by vehicles driving everywhere because the roads are in poor condition," Agenbag said on social media.
The group also intends to replace signboards at popular fishing spots and to protect endangered flora by demarcating lichen fields and welwitschia plants, among others.
"It's the little things – I also want to show my grandchildren what lichens and welwitschia plants look like," she said.
The group intends to erect rubbish bins for the public and remind residents and visitors to take their litter with them and dispose of it properly.
Agenbag said she and around ten other residents involved in this project hope to make it sustainable.
"We would like to buy a grader. If we can buy one, it will make the project more sustainable, and that is our hope," Agenbag said.
She estimates that a grader will cost about N$500 000 and says it could cost around N$1 million to achieve all the project's objectives.
The Save the Dorob initiative will be launched under the Henties Bay Tourism Association. – [email protected]