UN raises LGBTQI+ flag

Creating safe spaces
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with Positive Vibes Trust and the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) hoisted the LGBTQI+ flag for the first time at the UN House to demonstrate the UN’s commitment to creating safe spaces, free of stigmatisation and discrimination.
Pride Month is celebrated across the world as a peaceful liberation and self-affirmation movement and recognises the different sexual orientations and gender identities that comprise humanity.
Marking the last day of Pride Month, the occasion brought to the fore the need to reflect on the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion, celebrating progress made in all spheres for the LGBTQ+ community and demanding action on what is yet to be done.
Delivering the welcome remarks at the event, Alka Bhatia, UNDP Resident Representative, highlighted the UNDP’s role in developing activities to strengthen and develop the capacity of civil society organisations, with interventions focused on the most vulnerable groups including the LGBTQI+ community.
“The Inclusive Governance Initiative (IGI) is one of UNDP’s Africa regional projects that supports countries, including Namibia, to include sexual and gender minorities in national efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to promote and protect human rights,” Bhatia said.
The UNDP is working closely with Positive Vibes Trust in leading this initiative on the ground.
‘Leave no one behind’
“Article one of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enshrines the rights and freedoms of all human beings, it holds the unanimous promise of a world where everyone is born free and equal in dignity and rights,” said Sen Pang, Resident Coordinator, UN Namibia. “In the spirit of ‘Leaving no one behind’, we recognise that LGBTQI+ communities have a vital role to play if we are to deliver on the promise of the SDGs. We cannot build a better world when everyone does not feel a part of it,” Pang added.
During a short ceremony, the LGBTQI+ flag and the UN flag were hoisted together. This gesture demonstrates the UN family and partners’ unequivocal support and celebration of Pride in Namibia. It highlights the need to promote inclusion and diversity in the workplace, building more integrated workplace culture where everyone can be proud of who they are.
The ceremony was vibrant with performances from Y-FEM, poetry by Bella and stories on the realities of the community by Desiree Haman and Jonathan Solomons. Namibian music icon and activist Lize Ehlers added her voice calling for more people to create safe spaces. The message of solidarity and allyship was also echoed by the master of ceremonies, renowned Activist and actor, Adriano Visagie.
Sharing experiences
Jonathan Solomons, LGBTQ+ and sex worker activist and representative of the Free To Be movement and of Positive Vibes Namibia, reflected the stories and voices of some community members during his address.
He also called for Namibian policies and laws to focus on equity and justice. “Let us cast neutrality aside and ensure our policies, laws, our practice address the inequities faced by our community and facilitate the justice of all Namibian people,” he said.
“In our culture, we raise flags to mark important events, like raising a white flag when you get married. Today’s flag-raising at the UN House is significant [because] it makes a profound statement, the meaning relays to us, ‘you are welcome in my presence’ this is a ‘safe space,’ and we are grateful to the UN for this. Thank you, UNDP, for the partnership, the work we do together has great value and immense impact,” said Nortin, Brendall, Programme Manager of the Positive Vibes Trust.
The LGBTQI+ flag will continue to hang in the UN House reception area as a visual reminder to all who enter and exit, that the UN House in Namibia is a safe space promoting inclusion and diversity.