Beautiful Kidz celebrates 20 years

Claudia Reiter
Beautiful Kidz Namibia celebrated its 20th anniversary onFriday. With two centers, one in Katutura and one at Ovitoto, the organisation cares for and supports needy children and their families. 180 children currently attend the preschools. Beautiful Kidz offers programme s such as youth and children's clubs, teacher training, homework support, community work, soccer clubs, a gardening project, an HIV support group, as well as support groups for young and pregnant children and a chicken project. This also includes the Anusa sewing project that trains women from the community and gives them work. The project produces various items such as school uniforms and tracksuits. Beautiful Kidz would like to thank all donors, companies and friends who have supported the organisation over the last 20 years. Photos Claudia Reiter