Massive boost for MS Namibia

Iréne-Mari van der Walt
Multiple Sclerosis Namibia received a donation of N$100 000 this weekend.
Founder of MS Namibia, Bianca Özcan, says the donation will improve the lives of many MS patients nationwide.
“We also received the good news that it may even be more than N$100 000 due to the conversion of currencies,” according to the chairperson of MS Namibia, Mouchelline Le Hanie-Beukes.
The Freemasons' Grand Lodge in the United Kingdom donated the money and, according to Özcan, it is a miracle. “During the pandemic, our organisation was hit hard and it forced us to look more widely for support. In terms of well-being - especially in health - the opportunities are few and most charities depend on the same sponsors, which makes the opportunities smaller and smaller,” Özcan said at the handover.
“We are more than just grateful; this going to help us cover many costs,” Le Hanie-Beukes added.
She says there are several stigmas surrounding multiple sclerosis that can bring even more discomfort into the lives of MS patients.
“People immediately see you as an invalid. They think you can't think and you can't do your job. Many people do not find work at all and many lose their jobs because people do not really understand. They don't realise that MS patients can still live a full life,” Le Hanie-Beukes said.
Gernot Piepmeyer of the Freemasons says this organisation's principles are intertwined with the empowerment of communities. “Kindness and charity are deeply ingrained in the principles of Freemasonry. The organisation provides a support structure that helps members make positive contributions to communities and worthy initiatives through fundraising events or volunteering,” he said.