Paw Charity: Donate, shop, and save animals
Many people are not aware that the SPCA in Windhoek is not just an animal shelter, but the largest animal welfare organisation in the country.The full-time and volunteer employees take on more tasks than just taking in and caring for dogs, cats and (not mice) rats and rabbits. Among others, the organisation also checks for external evidence of possible animal welfare risks posed by their owners and offers them help, but in the worst case scenario also rescues the animals from abusive homes.
Another thing people may not know is that the SPCA also has a second-hand shop, the Paw-Sistivity Charity Shop - and everyone can get involved in various ways.
If you want to donate, you can bring along discarded items such as dishes, books, CDs, electrical appliances, games, jewellery, clothes and much more. Almost anything is welcome - as long as the items are still intact.
For larger pieces of furniture, the SPCA even organises the transport.
The proceeds from donations in kind and purchases then go to the organisation to buy things like pet food.
Anyone who wants to help the furry friends but doesn't have the time to get involved or doesn't have the financial means to spend large amounts of money can help by donating to the shop or by buying something in the shop. It is open on Fridays from 09:00 to 17:00, and Saturdays from 09:00 to 12:00. Donations can be dropped off on Robert Mugabe Ave during office hours.