Jantjies tests positive for Clenbuterol

The player has refuted any intention of knowingly consuming the prohibited substance.
Elton Jantjies, on the cusp of selection for the Springboks’ World Cup team earlier this month, has tested positive for the prohibited substance Clenbuterol and now faces potential suspension.
Clenbuterol, a substance favoured by bodybuilders for its fat-burning prowess, also offers relief for asthma sufferers. As a bronchodilator, it widens the airways, gifting athletes with a boost in stamina.
According to Jantjies’ statement, as published by the SuperSport website, he was told of the positive test from a urine sample he had furnished to the SA Institute of Drug Free Sport during the month of June.
“It’s with no small amount of shock and sadness that I have to inform you that I received notification earlier this month, from the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport, that a urine sample that I had provided to them in June 2023, returned a positive test for a banned substance, Clenbuterol,” his statement reads.
“I have instructed legal representation to assist me in determining the source of the prohibited substance and I have instructed them to ask for my B Sample to be tested and to launch an inquiry into the possible causes for the positive test.”
Jantjies’ wife, Iva Ristic, told News24 they were both “shocked” to hear that he tested positive for Clenbuterol when landing back in the country in June.
Jantjies had been in Turkey for two months with his family before returning to Johannesburg, she said.
“He wasn’t doing any steroids in Turkey. He has hectic sinusitis and was using a spray to release the tension he was feeling in the nose. Only after the news came out this week did we discover that the Clenbuterol found his drug test was the same substance in the nasal spray he had used when he landed,” said Ristic.
Ristic said they are trying to stay strong while plans are in motion to prove that Jantjies did not take the substance deliberately.
Jantjies refuted any intention of knowingly consuming the prohibited substance, and he expressed a resolute determination to wage a battle in defence of his innocence.
With unwavering resolve, the 33-year-old pledged to embark on a journey to assert his truth and stand against the allegations.
“At this stage I can say little more about the matter, save that I assure all my supporters that I have not and never will deliberately take a banned substance, and that I will do everything in my power to prove my innocence,” he continued in the statement.
“This is another set-back in what has been a very volatile time for me, but I shall overcome this with the support of my family and friends. I know that there will be those out there who doubt my innocence, but I hope to prove you wrong, in due course. For those who support me, thank you.”
SA Rugby said in a statement that it was aware of the allegation made against Jantjies.
“SA Rugby has noted the statement issued on behalf of Elton Jantjies and confirms it was advised of the adverse finding.
“A regulated process is now in train which we are bound to respect and allow to run its course without further comment or speculation.”
Last season, Jantjies found himself sidelined from the Springbok group due to off-field incidents. His journey took an unexpected turn when he joined the French second division club, Pau.
A surprising twist came earlier this year as he was chosen as injury cover for Handre Pollard when the Springbok training group was unveiled.
Despite this opportunity, the Springbok jersey eluded him. Ultimately, as the final World Cup group was unveiled, he was released from the squad.
– News24