NFA getting their ducks in a row

Otis Daniels
A tentative date for the start of the Namibia Football Association (NFA) 2024/25 leagues has been set for the first week of September.

Charles Siyauya, the Secretary General of the Namibian Football Association, indicated this via a memo on pre-season activities planned by the Association. The memo was addressed to the chairpersons of the Namibia Premier Football League (NPFL) and the Women Soccer League (WSL) on 22 July.

The NFA has scheduled activities to ensure a uniform understanding and preparedness for the upcoming 2024/25 season. One of these activities includes consultative meetings. “The meeting with NPFL club chairpersons is scheduled for 3 August, and the meeting for WSL club chairpersons will take place on 10 August. The agendas for these meetings will be communicated in due course.”

A Club Licensing Workshop (online) was conducted from 29 July to 30 July. “This workshop was crucial for clubs to understand the process of online applications, as manual applications will no longer be accepted in the upcoming season and beyond. The chairpersons of all clubs also attended a discussion on the draft NFA Club Regulations on 28 July. The regulations will take effect starting from the 2024/25 season,” Siyauya said.