Pupkewitz Jetty Mile takes place today

Race expected to be full of action
The Pupkewitz Jetty Mile will be taking place in Swakopmund today.
Limba Mupetami
The Pupkewitz Jetty Mile event is sponsored by the Pupkewitz Foundation, organised by OTB Sport and inspired by the Pupkewitz Group and the Pupkewitz Foundation.
The competiton will start at 15:30 at Tiger Reef Beach Bar. Start Sprint will kick off at 16:30 at The Mole. Whereas the Kiddies Fun Event will commence at 17:00 at the Mole.
According to the organisers, the finish for all events is at the Event Tent at the Mole. With prize giving to take place at approximately 17:30.
Participants are advised to swim in wetsuit due to cold sea temperatures. In addition, even if sea conditions are extremely rough the event will be not be cancelled.
Competitors, minors in consultation and agreement with their parent or coach need to assess for themselves whether they are capable of taking part in the sea conditions on the day.
Competitors need to be self-sufficient in the water. Participants can select to do the sprint in the Mole on the day if they think the sea is too rough.
All participants are taking part in the event at their own risk and indemnify the organisers, sponsors, host and other authorities of any loss or injury, however that loss or injury may be caused.