Synergi partnership to propel the game forward

Otis Daniels
The Namibia Rugby Union (NRU) announced the establishment of a partnership with collaborative branding and marketing partner Synergi Namibia, that will enhance the overall eventing, ticketing, and broadcasting capabilities at various levels of Namibian rugby.
According to Apie Oberholzer, a NRU board member, the terms and conditions of the partnership for a five-year period were carefully crafted, with opportunities for renewal and adjustments based on the success and progress achieved.
“The agreement outlines each party’s roles, responsibilities and expectations.”
The partnership agreement includes provisions on revenue sharing, marketing strategies, event planning and broadcasting rights.”
Hermann Rust who is also a board member of the NRU hailed the partnership deal as of great significance to the Union. He listed elevated event management standards, improved ticketing processes and enhanced broadcasting quality for all rugby events as the expected out comes of the partnership.
Rust explained that Synergi brings a wealth of expertise and experience and offers advanced technologies and innovative approaches that can elevate the NRU’s events and broadcasts to higher standards. He said tapping into the capabilities of Synergi will ultimately lead to the improved engagement and overall viewer experience for rugby enthusiasts.
Elaborating on the benefits of the partnership, Rust said Synergi’s eventing expertise would help the NRU to organise successful and well-managed rugby events. “Their ticketing solutions can streamline the ticketing process for fans, making it more convenient and efficient.
“The quality of rugby broadcasts will also be enhanced significantly and a wider audience will be reached.”
Hennie Geldenhuys, chief marketing officer of Synergi, emphasised that the company collaborates with various sporting codes, of which rugby is one.
“We are all about telling positive stories. Our media assets allow us to engage fans and listeners all over the world. From a commercial point of view, we have clients who align themselves with our principles and the quality content we produce. Our professionalism enables us to be the go-to entity between the NRU and the corporate world.”