Off-road bike companies pledge to protect environment

Off-road motorcycle tourism has not had the best publicity in recent years, with complaints levelled against riders including that they operate noisy vehicles in pristine wilderness areas, including those that are home to sensitive wildlife (especially rhinos and elephants), and that they often do not stick to existing roads and tracks, harming local vegetation and leaving ugly ‘scars’ on the landscape.
Ultimate Safaris’ Conservation Travel Foundation (CTF), following a few incidents with bikers, decided to engage the broader biking community to work out a way that motorbike tourism companies could continue to operate and earn an income-exist with nature-based tourism activities, while at the same time ensuring the protection of the environment and wildlife that the greater tourism industry and local communities depend on for their income.
Two motorbike tourism companies, Freshline Africa Moto Adventures (owned by PD Stoman) and Untamed Adventures & Tours (owned by Dirkie Baard), agreed to help lead the charge to clean up the motorbike tourism industry and change the perception that all, rather than a minority of, bikers are the problem.
As PD Stoman explains: “Too often we see the impact of individuals and groups who pass through these areas with reckless abandon. With this not being limited to any one single group, but ranging from 4x4s to motorcycles, and even bicycles, it is critical for anyone entering these sensitive conservation areas to be mindful of the potential impact they might have on the environment, and to be responsible in their approach to accessing these areas.”
Responsible Motorbiking Pledge
With their willingness evident, the CTF engaged with Tourism Supporting Conservation (TOSCO) to enable the two motorcycle tourism companies to become members and contributors, thereby supporting conservation and community development in a very transparent and formal way.
A Responsible Motorbiking Pledge was developed with the help of the Namibia Nature Foundation and the Save the Rhino Trust. It covers things such as: not driving in sensitive areas or at night and staying on existing tracks; making use of local guides where applicable; treating the environment with respect and not leaving any waste behind; and minimising noise pollution and slowing down when passing wildlife.
Proving their commitment to conservation and community development, Freshline and Untamed were the first two companies in the sector to sign the pledge and join TOSCO.
Welcoming them, TOSCO managing director, Lara Potma said: “Their commitment to our Responsible Motorbiking Pledge is a pioneering step towards responsible motorbiking tourism, setting a new standard for this industry. Together, we look forward to fostering positive impacts on conservation and community development.”
It is hoped that other motorcycle tourism companies will also choose to join TOSCO and sign the pledge, but also that this is just the first, big step in changing the perception of the sector. That, going forward, all stakeholders will be able to operate in an environment of open communication and co-existence, all working towards the same goals.