NCAA launches Namibia Aviation Security Conference

Competitions for youth, professionals
The Namibia Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) announced the launch of the Namibia Aviation Safety and Security Conference which is accompanied by two exciting competitions: one for aviation professionals, offering them the opportunity to submit well-researched papers on initiatives related to aviation safety and security, and another for youth, featuring a graphic/drawing/media interactive competition.
While the official announcement and launch are scheduled for Thursday (5 September), the conference itself takes place from 29 to 31 October. This year’s theme is “Strengthening Namibian Aviation: A Future Built on Safety and Security” and the two-and-a-half-day event features expert presentations, insightful panel discussions, and valuable networking opportunities.
The focus will be on enhancing aviation safety and security, with collaborative discussions on strategies to strengthen these critical areas within Namibia’s aviation sector.
As part of the conference, the NCAA will host two competitions:
The youth graphic/drawing/media interactive competition aims to engage and inspire young minds to create visual or interactive media that highlights the importance of aviation safety and security. Winners will have their entries showcased during the conference and stand to win prizes worth up to N$3 500.
In the category for aviation professionals, they are invited to submit articles or research between 600 to 1 000 words along with one image on topics related to aviation safety or security. This competition encourages innovative thinking and practical solutions within the industry. Like the youth competition, winners will receive prizes worth up to N$3 500 and have their work featured at the conference.
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