Icy cold...

Henriette Lamprecht
From farms in the far South that poured more than 100 mm from their rain gauges to the mercury dropping to -14 in places - winter hit its claws out in Namibia.
It is especially in the South that residents have shared on social media that this part is not only bitterly cold but also soaking wet.
On the Rain in Namibia page, Koos Bosman from the farm Tsirub, south of Garub and adjacent to Klein-Aus Vista, already measured 110 mm by 08:00 yesterday with more rain on the way. At Klein-Aus Vista, Piet Swiegers showed how 20 mm of dry streams make rivers, with the hope and prediction that this will soon transform the desert into a colorful landscape.
Steve Prinsloo from Aus reported on the same page that by yesterday morning 50 mm had already been measured meters in the town, while in the vicinity of Grünau it was "bitterly cold, with from soft to hard to misty rain falling. On the coast, residents of Lüderitz reported that 'everything is soaking wet' and it has been raining gently for hours on end".
The winner of the coldest place yesterday at this stage is the -14 that Sigi von Lüttwitz reported from the Omuramba in the Drimiopses area.
On a plot outside Otjiwarongo the mercury dropped to -3, on Outjo it was measured -4 and on Grootfontein -1 and on Steinheim it was an icy -7.
In Windhoek, temperatures ranged from -10 in the direction of Finkenstein, -2 in Hochlandpark and -6 in Avis, to -3 on Elisenheim and -6 at Gocheganas.
The Namibian Weather Office warns that the bitterly cold conditions will continue until Friday in the South, West, Central and Eastern areas of the country. Heavy showers may occur over the south-western parts of the country.
Seed and small livestock farmers are advised to take the necessary precautions.