Rainy season looks promising

Claudia Reiter
Most parts of the country, with the exception of some areas in the south, are expected to receive above-average rainfall over the next three months.
This is according to the rainfall forecast for the 2024/25 season released by the Namibia Meteorological Service in collaboration with the office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform.
According to the forecast, the //Kharas and most of the Hardap regions are likely to experience below-average rainfall between October and December 2024, while the rest of the country is expected to receive above-average rainfall during the same period. "Based on analyses by international forecasting centres, there will be a slow start to the season in October, but increased rainfall is expected for the rest of the period," it said.
The second part of the rainy season, from January 2025 to March 2025, is expected to bring normal to above-average rainfall across the country, it added.
The met office encourages farmers to prepare for what could be a good season. However, it warned that increased rainfall could also bring challenges such as flooding, waterlogging and a higher risk of pests and diseases.